Monday, December 29, 2008

I'd say I qualify for avid-crocheter status. That's right, I said it. Avid crocheter. I always hate typing the word though- I pronounce it "crotch-it-er" in my head. So anyway, for Christmas I crocheted beanies, scarfs, headbands, doggie beanies and even cute lil iPod cases for all the sisters, moms, aunts and cousins. Then when I finished that, I made beanies for myself in every yarn color I had. Then I made a few headbands.

Now that I'm finished, I don't really know what to do with myself...guess it's time for Christmas break to come to a close.


Jam Rob said...

crochet me a girlfriend

Meg Duffy said...

brookie you are so talented.

check out my blog for some of the cutest yellow stuff out there. you know how in love I am with it all... and you too.

Anonymous said...

Thank you again, my little crocheter, for all the great Christmas gifts you so talentedly made for me (and all of us!!) Those was the greatest gifts ever! I miss you sitting here crocheting!

Love you,